Greeting from DSUIA Rector Oleksandr MORHUNOV on the Day of Honoring Pensioners and Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police of Ukraine


On behalf of the staff of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs and personally, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Honoring Pensioners and Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police of Ukraine!

This day serves as a reminder of your invaluable contribution to strengthening law and order, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, and your devoted service to the Ukrainian people. Your experience, professionalism, and courage have laid the foundation for the modern system of law enforcement.

Today, we express deep respect and gratitude for your many years of service, resilience, and loyalty to the Oath. You serve as a model for the current generation of law enforcement officers who continue your mission to ensure safety in our country.

I wish you good health, family warmth, peace, and well-being. May your life wisdom and experience remain a source of inspiration for all of us.

Together towards Victory!

Oleksandr Morhunov,
Rector of DSUIA, Police Colonel