Defense of a Dissertation at DSUIA


A meeting of the special one-time Academic Council was held at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA).

Pavlo OSADCHYI presented his dissertation research to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of “Law.” His dissertation, titled “The Realization of the Right to an Effective Legal Remedy in Pre-Trial Proceedings in the Criminal Process of Ukraine,” was thoroughly examined.

Academic Supervisor: Andrii MELNYCHENKO, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Head of the Department for the Investigation of Crimes Detected by the Department of Strategic Investigations and the Department of Criminal Police of the Main Investigative Department of the National Police of Ukraine, Police Major.


• Maksym POCHTOVYI, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher, Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law and Innovative Education, DSUIA;

• Volodymyr FEDCHENKO, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, DSUIA.

Chair of the Council: Vasyl BEREZNYAK, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, DSUIA, Police Lieutenant Colonel.


• Valentyna DROZD, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs.

• Maksym KALATUR, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at the Research Institute of Public Law.

Based on the results of an open vote, the special one-time Academic Council awarded Pavlo OSADCHYI the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of study 08 “Law,” specializing in 081 “Law.”


Department of Communications