Career Guidance and Planning: Lyceum Students Meet Representatives of the National Guard of Ukraine

MIA Lyceum

Students of the Dnipro Lyceum of Security and National-Patriotic Education named after Oleksandr Hostishchev met with representatives of the Kyiv Institute of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The event was held as part of career guidance activities. The lyceum students were provided with detailed information about the higher education institution, its faculties, departments, features of the educational process, available specialties, and prospects for future service and employment.

Representatives of the institute also explained the admission procedure and provided a list of required documents.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that the profession of a National Guard servicemember entails significant police responsibilities, as they also perform law enforcement functions. This allowed the lyceum students not only to gain career guidance insights but also to better understand the roles of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


Department of Communications