Preparing for Competitions: Students of the Dnipro Ministry of Internal Affairs Lyceum Attended a Chess Training Session

MIA Lyceum, NEWS

The event was organized by the Department of Special Physical Training of DSUIA for students of the Dnipro Security-Oriented and National-Patriotic Education Lyceum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after O. Hostishchev.

The training session was part of the preparation for the chess championship among students of security-oriented and national-patriotic education lyceums under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In February, a chess championship among students of MIA lyceums across Ukraine is scheduled, where the Dnipro MIA Lyceum named after O. Hostishchev will also field a chess team. The training was conducted by senior lecturer of the Department of Special Physical Training, Mykola POZHYDAIEV. The lyceum students played against each other and DSUIA cadets, showcasing a high level of preparation.

Experienced chess players introduced students to basic moves, tactical techniques, and chess studies to help them successfully build game strategies.

Through these training sessions, the students have the opportunity to enhance their skills and represent their educational institution with dignity in chess tournaments.


Department of Communications