Convoy Service Operations: Binary Training Session for DSUIA Cadets


The Department of Administrative Law and Process, in cooperation with the Convoy Service Division of the Preventive Activities Department of the National Police in the Dnipropetrovsk region, conducted a binary training session for second-year cadets of the Educational and Scientific Institute for Training Specialists in Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine.

The session aimed to familiarize cadets with the operations of convoy units during the escorting of detainees and individuals in custody within court premises. The practical exercises were conducted at the university’s training facility, the “Courtroom,” and involved a specialized convoy vehicle.

Convoy service officers demonstrated specialized transport for transferring detainees and suspects, explaining the specifics of escorting procedures in different settings, including various transport modes, court facilities, and investigative proceedings.

To effectively integrate theory with practice, cadets participated in an improvised escorting exercise, moving a detainee from a specialized vehicle to the courtroom. Inside the court, they practiced the standard operational procedures of a convoy unit during a judicial hearing.

As a result of the training, cadets gained essential knowledge, skills, and practical experience for their future professional activities.


Department of Communications