Cadets and officers of the Faculty of Training for Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies of the National Police participated in plasma donation at the Dnipro Donor Center Biopharma Plasma Dnipro.
Blood donation is a vital act that saves lives, as plasma is essential for producing critical medications used in the treatment of severe illnesses and injuries. Understanding this, DSUIA staff and students regularly take part in initiatives aimed at helping those in need.
In addition to donating blood and its components, the university actively supports other volunteer projects, including collecting supplies for the military, weaving camouflage nets, and assisting internally displaced persons. These efforts have become a valued tradition, uniting the DSUIA community in their commitment to making a meaningful contribution.
Such initiatives will continue, as mutual support and compassion are integral to the lives of future law enforcement officers.
The event was held as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ Friendly Support project. #friendly_support
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