Cadets of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs visited the Anatomical Museum of Dnipro State Medical University. The event was attended by cadets of the Faculty of Pre-Trial Investigation of the National Police of Ukraine.
As part of their academic curriculum, DSUIA cadets study subjects such as Forensics and Pre-Medical Training. The visit was organized as part of a curatorial session to deepen their knowledge of the human body, its structure, and organ functions, reinforcing professional skills that may be useful in their future police service.
During the museum tour, cadets explored various exhibits, known as preparations—preserved human organs, tissues, mummified bodies, and specimens of fetal anomalies fixed in formalin. The oldest exhibit is a small petrified femur.
Additionally, cadets learned about prominent scientists and their contributions to medical science and the development of Dnipro. Special attention was given to historical figures such as:
Mykola Pirogov – a renowned surgeon who worked in Katerynoslav in the mid-19th century;
Volodymyr Vorobyov – an academician who contributed to the establishment of medical science in Prydniprovya;
Andreas Vesalius – the founder of modern anatomy.
DSUIA cadets express their sincere gratitude to the Rector of Dnipro State Medical University, Tetiana PERTSEVA, and all colleagues who organized this insightful tour, which will enhance the effectiveness of their learning process.
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