Improving Cadets’ Professional Skills in Convoying and Human Rights Compliance: Binary Class at DSUIA


A binary class was organized by the Department of Administrative Law and Process at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA) as part of the elective educational component “Organization of Convoy Units’ Activities.”

The online session was attended by cadets from the Institute of Training Specialists for the Preventive Activity Units of the National Police of Ukraine at DSUIA.

The speaker of the event was Lieutenant Colonel Yurii KITCUL, Deputy Head of the Department and Head of the Convoy Service Unit, Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine.

During the session, Yurii Kitcul discussed the role and functions of convoy units within the police system, their main tasks, and their interaction with other law enforcement agencies, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the State Criminal Enforcement Service, and the State Judicial Protection Service.

Special attention was given to the practical aspects of convoying detainees and persons under arrest, the formation of convoy units, and the involvement of female police officers in the convoying process. Yurii Kitcul also analyzed typical mistakes made by law enforcement officers and provided practical tips on avoiding violations while performing their duties.


Department of Communications