In-Depth Look at DSUIA: Career Guidance Event for Dnipro Lyceum Students


The Career Guidance Department of the Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA) organized an introductory visit for students from several lyceums in Dnipro.

During the event, the students explored the university’s material and technical base, which is actively utilized in the educational process. They visited training grounds such as “Countering Organized Crime and Corruption,” “Cybersecurity, Cyberhygiene, and Countering Cyberbullying Center,” “Digitalization of Educational Activities Center,” “Mediation Office,” and the “Crisis Room, Child-Friendly” training ground.

At the “Courtroom” training ground, the visitors worked on legal cases, applying the provisions of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

Additionally, the lyceum students received detailed information about the university’s departments, faculties, and institutes, including the features of the educational process, available specialties, and employment prospects after graduation.

The event helped increase students’ awareness of the educational opportunities at DSUIA and enabled future applicants to gain a better understanding of their potential career paths.


Department of Communications