Brain-Ring at DSUIA: Cadets Tested Their Knowledge


A seminar in the format of a “brain-ring” was held at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs as part of the discipline “Operational and Investigative Activities.”

Cadets of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Criminal Police Units of the National Police of Ukraine at DSUIA took part in the event.

The topic of the session was “Means of Operational and Investigative Activities.” Participants examined the concept and types of operational and investigative tools, as well as conducted a detailed analysis of the operational records of the National Police of Ukraine, their types, and purposes.

The brain-ring format allowed students not only to reinforce their theoretical knowledge but also to develop analytical thinking, teamwork skills, and the ability to make quick decisions.

The knowledge gained will serve as an essential foundation for their future professional activities, as the effective use of operational and investigative tools plays a key role in solving crimes and ensuring law and order.


Department of Communications