The operational meeting focused on organizing the defense of internship results and the attestation process for full-time students pursuing a first (bachelor’s) level of higher education under state funding.
The meeting was chaired by the First Vice-Rector of DSUIA, Ihor Magdalina. It was attended by heads of structural divisions, deputy chairs and members of commissions, commission secretaries, and other university staff involved in evaluating internship results and attestation.
Particular attention was given to organizing the defense process in compliance with security requirements, ensuring timely preparation and submission of documents to the Educational Process Organization Department, and other procedural aspects.
The university’s Anti-Corruption Commissioner, Ruslan Lupyr, emphasized the importance of final-year students submitting their 2024 Declaration of a Person Authorized to Perform State or Local Government Functions on time. He also stressed the strict adherence of commission members and students to the current anti-corruption legislation.
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