Open Day Held at the Dnipro Lyceum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

MIA Lyceum

A career guidance event at the Dnipro Lyceum for Security-Oriented and National-Patriotic Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after O. Hostishchev gathered over 130 prospective applicants. Given the current situation and security requirements, the event was conducted online.

The director of the lyceum, Kyrylo NEDRYA, and the deputy director for educational and methodological work, Svitlana MOZHOVA, provided insights into the specifics of studying at the institution, the conditions and features of this year’s admission process, as well as the cadets’ living arrangements. Representatives of the student self-government—Ataman Kyrylo DOROSHENKO and Clerk Milana LYSOHOR—also joined the event.

The speakers emphasized that specialized education at the lyceum involves not only acquiring professional knowledge and skills but also enhanced practical training, the development of strong patriotic awareness, and physical and psychological preparedness. Additionally, studying at the Dnipro Lyceum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is designed for the comprehensive personal development of its students, allowing them to engage in sports, creativity, cultural activities, volunteer projects, and more.

Following the presentation, the event concluded with a Q&A session, where Kyrylo NEDRYA and Svitlana MOZHOVA addressed the most pressing questions from the students.


Department of Communications