Information Security – A Modern Trend: A New Elective Course for Students of the Dnipro Lyceum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

MIA Lyceum

Students of the Dnipro Lyceum of Security Orientation and National-Patriotic Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after O. Hostishchev will now study the fundamentals of information security. A new elective course was recently introduced at the educational institution.

The session was conducted by an invited lecturer, cybersecurity specialist Mykola SHEVCHENKO. During the first lecture, the lyceum students were introduced to basic information security terminology, explored principles of handling confidential information, and learned fundamental rules for its protection.

In an interactive format, students had the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge. Those who showed a high level of proficiency in basic skills were rewarded with sweet prizes.

The administration of the Dnipro Lyceum of Security Orientation and National-Patriotic Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after O. Hostishchev firmly believes that information security plays a crucial role in modern life. Many aspects of daily activities are directly related to information, making the protection of critical data from unauthorized access an essential and highly relevant field of security sciences.


Department of Communications