As part of the familiarization and study of the specifics of the National Guard of Ukraine’s service activities, a career orientation session was held for the students of the Dnipro Lyceum of Security and National-Patriotic Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after Oleksandr Hostiachev.
In the tactical medicine class, a session on providing pre-medical assistance was conducted, both in the red zone and in the yellow zone. Instructors, together with the lyceum students, reviewed the TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) protocol and the MARCH algorithm – five essential skills that should be mastered not only by military personnel but also by responsible citizens. According to the senior combat training instructor, pseudonym “Amerikanets,” due to the war on our territory, everyone should be able to provide pre-medical assistance, first to themselves, and then to others in need.
The lyceum students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest simulator: thanks to VR technologies, highly realistic combat situations are created, allowing for effective skill practice.
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