A meeting of the Academic Council of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA) was held under the chairmanship of the Rector, Police Colonel Oleksandr Morhunov.
Inna Medianyik, a postgraduate student of the Department of Theory of State and Law at the Research Institute of Law and Innovative Education, was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy diploma in the field of “Law” with a specialization in “Law.”
A Doctor of Philosophy diploma in the field of “Law” with a specialization in “Law” was also presented to Artem Marchenko, a postgraduate student of the Department of Theory of State and Law at the Research Institute of Law and Innovative Education.
For her participation in the regional and national stages of the XV International Taras Shevchenko Language and Literature Competition for Students and Youth, Diana Parkhomyk, a second-year cadet of the Research Institute for Training Specialists for Preventive Activity Units of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU), received a second-degree diploma.
For her high professionalism and significant contribution to preparing participants and winners of regional and national language and literature competitions, as well as for her teaching excellence, pedagogical talent, ability to motivate, and dedication to the development of higher education, Iryna Tsarova, Head of the Department of Language Training, Doctor of Philological Sciences, and Professor, was awarded the “Gratitude of the Academic Council of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs” distinction.
A medal was also awarded to Svitlana Oleinyk, a student of the Dnipro Security-Oriented Lyceum and National-Patriotic Education named after O. Hostishchev under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who took first place in the individual championship at the Table Tennis Championship in Lviv among Ministry of Internal Affairs lyceums in Ukraine.
Viktoriia Shkeul, a cadet of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies of the NPU at DSUIA, won the 2025 Ukrainian Boxing Championship among the elite in the up-to-54 kg category, dedicated to the Security Service of Ukraine. During the Academic Council meeting, the Ukrainian Champion was presented with a medal and an award.
Kseniia Rizvanova, a cadet of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies of the NPU at DSUIA, took first place in the “Pop Vocal” category at the International Festival-Competition of Vocal-Instrumental, Choreographic, Theatrical, and Circus Arts “Golden Generation,” for which she received a distinction and a medal.
Additionally, reports on the state of DSUIA’s international activities in 2024 were heard. The council discussed the awarding of academic titles to the university’s scientific and pedagogical staff and the results of career guidance efforts.
The Regulations on the Organization of Postgraduate Education for National Police of Ukraine Employees at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs and the Admission Rules for Higher Education at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs in 2025 were approved.
The scientific journal “Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs,” 2025, No. 1(134), was recommended for publication and dissemination via the Internet.
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