Scientific-and-Educational Laboratory for the Research in Combatting Organized Crime and Corruption

Scientific-and-Educational Laboratory for the Research in Combatting Organized Crime and Corruption

The laboratory is a structural subdivision of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Strategic Investigation Subdivisions of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

Its activity aims at conducting scientific research in terms of combatting organized crime and corruption to enhance educational system in this direction as well as increase educational process efficiency and quality of training specialists.


Scientific-and-Educational Laboratory for the Research in Combatting Organized Crime and Corruption conducts its activity under the following directions:

1) scientific justification of combatting organized crime and corruption concept;

2) scientific and methodical activity provision of the strategic investigation units of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) in combatting organized crime and corruption;

3) informational support of the National Police activity;

4) studying and summing-up international experience in regulating the process of combatting organized crime and corruption;

5) interaction of the laboratory with other law enforcement bodies, state power bodies and local self-government bodies in terms of combatting organized crime and corruption.


Key tasks of the Scientific-and-Educational Laboratory are as follows:

– provision of conditions and methodic materials (1) to conduct lectures, practical classes and seminars as well as educational practices, (2) to write course papers, qualification projects and theses by cadets and adjuncts in terms of combatting organized crime and corruption aimed at meeting requirements of the MIA and NPU;

– establishment of scientific and research activity in combatting organized crime and corruption as well as introduction scientific research into the educational process;

– provision of conditions for cadets to obtain knowledge and skills for scientific and research activity and their practical application;

– provision of conditions for theoretic and experimental research as well as scientific and research activity in combatting organized crime and corruption;

– search, study and approbation of the best MIA and NPU practices in terms of combatting organized crime and corruption;
– winning and using grants, including under international and national programs of state budget financing for scientific and research activity;

– establishing cooperation with scientific institutions in the corresponding sphere in Ukraine and abroad;

– publishing results of scientific research (apart from non-disclosure cases) at the conferences, seminars and in scientific issues with scientometrical database indices.


In May 2020, the Scientific-and-Educational Laboratory held the regional scientific-and-practical seminar “Economic Safety as a Pillar of National Security”.

It should be mentioned that in 2020 the Laboratory prepared and signed the Cooperation Agreement with “Association of Economic Security Employees” social organization, Dnipro, Ukraine.

Oleksandr Neklesa, research officer of the Scientific-and-Educational Laboratory with practical experience, was delivering extra-curricular classes for 3-year cadets in “Informational-and-Analytical Provision of the NPU Strategic Investigation Units Activity” discipline (September-October 2020).

Employees of the Scientific-and-Educational Laboratory have developed “Educational and Training Complex for Law Enforcement Officers” model and obtained patent for it.