
Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs is the leading institution of higher education in the region that trains specialists for law enforcement, human rights, judicial bodies, the justice system, legal services of enterprises and organizations in the specialties of «Law», «Law Enforcement» and «Management». The institution is actively developing, in 2018 new specialties were offered: “Economics”, “Psychology”, “Public Administration and Management”, “International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studios”.




The educational institution provides all levels of multi-level education: bachelor, master’s degree, postgraduate and doctoral studies. There are 3 academic councils with the right of acceptance for consideration and defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Law and Doctor of Philosophy.

Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs launched the program of academic mobility for students and lecturers or “second education abroad”, which provides the opportunity for participants of the educational process to study, teach, intern or conduct scientific activities in another higher educational institution (scientific institution) on the territory of Ukraine or beyond its borders.

Jan Kochanowski University (JKU) in Kielce (Poland)

So, joining the Master’s degree programme of Dnepro State University of Internal Affairs in the specialty “Law” on the basis of Bachelor of Law, Specialist of Law, you get the opportunity simultaneously join to Mater’s degree programme of the Jan Kochanowski University (JKU) in Kielce (Poland) with a degree in Administration (full-time education, Polish language of education) and upon completion of education receive two diplomas of higher education in Ukrainian State and European State Universities.

Participation in such international educational programs allows applicants of higher education not only to receive quality education abroad, but also to expand their knowledge of European culture as a whole, to feel like a full-fledged European citizen.

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)

Students of DSUIA can study for a semester in the specialty “Law” within the bachelor’s educational program owing to the signed Memorandum of Understanding between Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs and Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), is among the 800 best universities in the world according to world university rankings QS (2013/2014).

Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)

The university has 51 bachelor’s programs, 55 master’s programs, 15 postgraduate programs, doctoral programs in 18 specialties, and collaborates with 360 universities in different countries.
