News and announcements (International Activity)

«Prospects for the preservation and development of democratic tendencies of state functioning in terms of aggravation of Global Challenges».

Dear Colleagues!

The event will take place on 25-26 April 2018 in Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

The co-organizers of the event are Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs and Ukrainian public organization «Ukrainian lawyers аssociation».

The Summit will be held with the participation of leading national and foreign scientists, politicians, practicing lawyers, representatives of state and local governments, public associations, and applicants of Higher Education etc.

Within the framework of the Summit there will be workshops of famous scientific and political representatives of state and local governments in specific thematic areas on topical issues of modern state processes, law-making and law enforcement in Ukraine.

The purpose of the ІV International Student Summit is raising the level of education of applicants of Higher Education on topical issues of modern state processes law-making and law enforcement in Ukraine; increasing positive image of the legal profession; gaining the practical experience during the communication with scientists, politicians, practicing lawyers, representatives of state and local governments; improving legal education in Ukraine; further development of the institution of the national idea as the driving force of national progress in Ukraine etc.

The following people are invited to participate in the Summit:

– scientists in law, philosophy, sociology, political and government science etc;

– applicants of Higher Education (students, cadets etc);

– representatives of state and local governments;

– Centres for free secondary legal aid;

– public associations etc.

The applicants of higher education of Ukrainian and foreign higher education establishments are invited to participate in the Summit with the project. The project has to be searching and innovative by its nature, have scientific and practical importance including the provisions to improve the current legislation taking into account the positive foreign experience and be aimed at solving the following issues in the area of law, legal philosophy, sociology of law, political and government science:

► What country should replace the post-industrial state: the problems of power modeling.

► The Civilizational choice of Ukraine: political and legal paradigm and the issues of essential transformations.

► The problems of limiting power by law in the modern state.

► Gender equity – the history of formation, international standards, the problems of realization in Ukraine and throughout the world.

► The rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of IDPs in Ukraine and other countries of the world: the question of implementation mechanism.

► National security as a fundamental part of vital human, society and state interests.

► Information security as an element of Ukraine’s national security.

► Information wars under current globalized conditions.

► Information society development in Ukraine and throughout the world: legal aspect.

► Ensuring decentralization at the local, regional and national levels: Ukrainian, European and international experience.

► National police of Ukraine: the problems of formation and development prospects taking into account foreign experience.

► Problems of reforming the justice system in post-socialist states.

► The legal issues of Ukraine’s internal and external policy formation and realization.

► The problems of lawmaking in Ukraine in modern conditions of European integration.State of law as the model of postindustrial society power organization.

► The liberal state and modern global and regional challenges.

► The rule of law as a model for organizing the power of post-industrial society.

► Morality and power: interactive and interaction matters.

► Political and legal determination of current global society. Ukraine and global civil society.

► Young people as creative power of current changes in global society.

► Theological and sociological understanding of law as the basis of moral and ethical paradigm of social development.

On the day of the Summit a project must be submitted to the organizing committee. Project requirements: front page, table of contents, list of abbreviations (if necessary), main text (up to 20 pages), bibliography, appendix; font: Times New Roman, font size 14 pt, style – normal, interval is 1.5; document margins: on the left, at the bottom and on top – 20 mm, on the right – 10 mm; paragraph – 12.5 mm, full justification. References should be formed in square brackets, for example [4, p. 3], [8, p. 25; 9, p. 14].

One team (no more than 3 people) can represent education establishment at the Summit. One participant can represent a team.

Organizing committee of the Summit provides the team and its supervisor (attendant) with free accommodation, meals, transfers (at site).

Each team must complete registration process well in advance. Registration involves submitting a completed entry form to the organizers (see Appendix Entry Form). After 2-3 days of successful registration participants will receive a confirmation email.

Entry forms should be submitted to the address: Summit_dduvs@ukr.net and marked «To Summit. (Name of the team’s education establishment)» in letter subject.

Closing date for registration of teams is April 15, 2018.

According to the results of the IV International Student Summit, on the decision of the International Jury best teams will be awarded I, II, III degrees diplomas, diplomas in certain categories, special awards, and each team will receive memorabilia and prizes from the organizers and partners of the event.

Working languages of the Summit: Ukrainian, English, German, Russian, Polish.

Place of conducting: Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs (49005, Dnipro, Gagarina Avenue, 26) (Blue hall).

Time of conducting:
25-26.04.2018 р.
9.00-10.00 – registration of participants of the Summit.
10.00 – start of the Summit.

The coordinates of the organizing committee of the Summit:
Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs: 49005, Dnipro, Gagarina Avenue, 26;
Ukrainian public organization «Ukrainian lawyers аssociation»: 01034, Kyiv, Patorzhynsky str. 4/8.

Contact person:
Kostytsky Vasyl – President of the All Ukrainian Public Organization Association of Ukrainian Lawyers, Doctor of Law, Professor (mobile 0673737600).

Fomenko A.,
Co-Chair of the event,
Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University
of Internal Affairs,
Candidate of legal sciences

Kostytsky V.,
Co-Chair of the event,
President of Ukrainian Bar Association
Professor of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine,
academician of National academy of legal sciences of Ukraine