New opportunities for education and training of police


Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Police Colonel Andrii Fomenko, Head of the Department of Operative Investigation and Specialized Technics Kyrychenko Oleh as part of the delegation of Ukraine went on a business trip to the Slovak Republic from October 24 to October 26, 2018. They took part in the International Workshop on the detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal acts related to chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear materials.

International Workshop on the detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal acts related to chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear materials.

The representatives of the National Nuclear Security Administration and the General Prosecutor’s Office of Slovakia addressed the participants of the seminar with a welcoming speech.

Speakers from the Department of Detection of Hazardous Substances and Environmental Crimes of Slovakia presented vividly and informatively the experience of the Slovak system of police forces and other government agencies in matters of chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear substances; features of criminal cases related to the above mentioned substances, working out the actions of the Slovak police in cases of dangerous weapons usage.

New opportunities for education and training of police

Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Police Colonel Andrii Fomenko, Head of the Department of Operative Investigation and Specialized Technics Kyrychenko Oleh as part of the delegation of Ukraine went on a business trip to the Slovak Republic

Head of the Department of DSUIA Kyrychenko Oleh shared his own vision of the legal and scientific aspects of the problems of countering crimes involving dangerous chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear substances in Ukraine.

Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs Fomenko Andrii presented the educational opportunities of the University in police training with a focus of identification, investigation and prosecution of this type of criminal activity in order to strengthen the capacity of the National Police of Ukraine.

At the end of the event, experts interchanged practical experience in the format of the round table, comparing the criminal and criminal procedure tools of Slovakia and Ukraine.