A reference visit to Republic Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina

During November 05 – 09 2018, Vice-rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Head of Educational and Scientific Laboratory for Research of the Problems of the Legal Status of Internally Displaced Persons and Ensuring Gender Equality Larysa Nalyvaiko and Head of Department of social sciences and humanities, researcher (scholar) of Educational and Scientific Laboratory for Research of the Problems of the Legal Status of Internally Displaced Persons and Ensuring Gender Equality Iryna Hrytsai, as part of Ukrainian delegation, paid a reference visit to Republic Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina within the framework of the project of Council of Europe «Exchange of experience in response to internal displacement».

Exchange of experience in response to internal displacement

During their visit, the representatives of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs were able to get acquainted with the programs of social protection of internally displaced persons, realization of housing projects for internally displaced persons, gained information about the functioning of places of compact settlement of internally displaced persons and received experience in researching policies and practices of social protection of internally displaced persons in countries that have recently been in an armed conflict zone. They made sure that in order to provide legal assistance to internally displaced persons and ensure durable solutions at the national and local levels, it is necessary to strengthen interdepartmental and academic cooperation related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons.

Exchange of experience in response to internal displacement

Larysa Nalyvaiko and Iryna Hrytsai had a meeting in Cetinje (Republic of Montenegro) with Major, who presented different initiatives and services for internally displaced persons, which are being implemented by City Hall.