Meeting to discuss further cooperation


During the meeting of our University management with the representatives of the Department of Public Order of the Advisory Mission of the European Union (AMEU) in Ukraine the issues concerning cooperation in terms of conducting educational events for implementing the social identity model (Scandinavian) in the work of the National Police of Ukraine at providing public order and safety were discussed. In particular, Jose Barreto, the Head of the Public Order Unit, applied to the University management with the proposal to conduct international training in public order in term of PRAVO project on the basis of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs.

Meeting to discuss further cooperation

In his turn, Andrii Fomenko, the Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, supported that idea, since the University opportunities allowed that, and the participation in the training of employees from the faculty of professionals preparation for preventive activity units would provide their advance training. Besides, the Rector showed the University and told about all its opportunities for the training aimed at exchanging experience in public security at holding mass events.

Meeting to discuss further cooperation

Moreover, during the visit of the AMEU representatives Larysa Nalyvaiko, Vice-Rector, held a meeting with Gediminas Buciunas, the Mission Expert and Prosecution Reform Senior Advisor. The meeting aimed at discussing the opportunities of engaging Mr. Buciunas in holding binary classes for the DSUIA cadets in terms of educational subject “Prevention and Combat against Domestic Violence” conjointly with professors from Administrative Law, Process and Administrative Activity Department. Gediminas Buciunas saw the ground for conducting scenario-oriented classes in working-over practical skills of cadets and advance training of district police officers within the framework of the project “Community Police Officer”, juvenile prevention inspectors, patrol police, who react to the facts of committing domestic violence exclusively during their duty, as well as special mobile groups reacting to committing domestic violence. Mykola Repan, the Department teacher, pointed out that the curriculum of the subject and trainings had been developed taking into account international experience with foreign experts.

Meeting to discuss further cooperation

Besides, in the frames of the visit the meeting of the DSUIA management and the Police School of Lithuania representatives was held. The Parties summed up their cooperation results for three years and discussed their further collaboration, including exchange with professors and cadets. Mindaugas Bilius, Temporary Acting Head of Lithuanian Police School, mentioned that the activity of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs was developing fast and qualitatively and the Police School of Lithuania would deepen that cooperation with pleasure.

Meeting to discuss further cooperation

Laimute Caplikiene, Head of Education Management Division, said that education and training of students and cadets were organized at the high level. She noted contemporary approach to working-over police officers’ professional skills used during the educational process, in particular, multidisciplinary educational courses. She found it wise to implement some educational means in the work of the Police School of Lithuania. Thus, cooperation between educational establishments will see further development.

Meeting to discuss further cooperation