Law Supremacy: International Level Discussions at DSUIA


Law Faculty of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs has organized the International scientific-and-practical online conference “Law Supremacy: Doctrine and Practice in the Context of Modern Global Challenges”.

Nearly 156 participants joined the scientific-and-practical event, including the representatives of the South-East Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice, International Legal Alliance, International Parliament for Safety and Peace, International Arbitrary Court, Dnipropetrovsk Circuit Administrative Court, National School of Judges of Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia Regional Organization “Unity of Judges of Ukraine”, Ukrainian Bar Association, Lawyers Community “Assyria”, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the OSCE, International Training Association, DSUIA Legal Clinics “Istyna” as well as Educational-and-Scientific Laboratory for the Research Internally Displaced Persons’ Legal Status Issues and Securing Gender Equality.

Besides, the representatives of Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions partook in the conference, namely Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), Georgian Technical University (Georgia), Athens University (Greece), University of Wisconsin Green Bay (USA), Pondicherry University (India), Western Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan), Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, College of V.О. Sukhomlynskyi National University of Mykolaiv, National Technical University “Dniprovska Polytechnic”, University of Customs and Finance, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan and National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine.

During the event opening Larysa Nalyvaiko, DSUIA vice-rector, stated that the conference aimed at developing all-university topic for scientific research “Theoretic, Methodological and Applied Problems of Statehood and Legislation in Ukraine”.

The conference helped to gather and support domestic as well as foreign higher educational institutions, discuss actual problems in terms of scientific and research work, exchange with experience as well as share the results of scientific research in the framework of theoretic and practical aspects of implementing law supremacy under contemporary global challenges and present new ideas, which can become subject of attention and discussion among specialists from different areas.

Participants of the event were greeted by Gediminas Buciunas, the EUAM expert; Vasyl Kostytskyi, member (academician) of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine; Olha Zakharova, the first deputy head of the South-East Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice (Dnipro); Oleksii Savchuk, coordinator of the Justice Reforms Regional Councils of the EU Project “Pravo-Justice”; Dmytro Dvornyk, delegate of police and security forces (ICRC); Maksym Selezniov, private entrepreneur.

Actual issues of law supremacy as the basis for European values and legal order, international and local national mechanisms of law supremacy provision under contemporary challenges and threats, actual problems of introduction international standards for human rights protection, respecting law supremacy by law enforcement and court authorities in terms of current technological and social circumstances, philosophical and cultural-historic aspects of law supremacy enhancement, etc. were being discussed during the meeting.

The conference appeared to be of significant interest for practitioners and scientists. The most active discussion was devoted to regulation of legal relations under COVID-19 pandemics. Georgi Svianadze, assistant professor of the Faculty of Law and International Relations of Georgian Technical University, pointed out that the problems risen from the pandemic have definitely proved the existing justice system to require reforming. According to the speaker, it was necessary to substitute program infrastructure of judicial system and develop the strategies for implementing e-justice in crisis situations for the state to provide efficient protection of the right to a fair court.

Dr. Ricardo Furfaro, law professor from the University of Social Sciences in Argentina, listed the basic human rights to have been globally violated during the pandemics and made conclusion that the world had not been prepared to such a threat, especially in terms of pharmaceutical and laboratory research operation.


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