Happy End for Cadet History at DSUIA


Graduation at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs: 47 listeners of the program “2 Years Cadet – 1 Year Listener” and 212 cadets received diplomas on higher education and became police officers.

They have been looking forward to that day with charge. Morning saw graduates of the Faculties of Strategic Investigations, Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies and Preventive Activity gathering at DSUIA parade ground. It meant the start of a new life stage – solemn graduation from the university.

Relatives and friends came to support youngsters.

List of honored guests included Oleksandr Lapko, deputy head of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine; Volodymyr Hordiichuk, lieutenant general, head of the Central Territorial Department of the National Guard of Ukraine; Andrii Kulbach, major general of the civil defense service, head of the Main Department of the Emergency Service of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region; Ivan Nachovnyi, deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration; Iryna Fedorchuk, head of the Department of Counteraction with Law Enforcement Bodies and Combat Activity of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration; Oleksandr Svirenko, head of the Department of Anti-Corruption Policy and Human Rights of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council; Oleksandr Chudnovskyi, director of the Civil Order and Civil Protection Department of Dnipro Municipal Council; Yurii Nebeskyi, police colonel, deputy head of the Main Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region; Vasyl Bokoch, police lieutenant-colonel, deputy head of Dnipropetrovsk Department of Internal Security of the National Police of Ukraine; Oleh Smyrnov, police colonel, deputy head of the Main Department of the National Police in Zaporizhzhia region; Pavlo Brusenskyi, deputy head of the Staff Department of the Main Department of the National Police in Zaporizhzhia region; Dmytro Shapovalov, head of state institution “Territorial Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk region”; Symeon, Archibishop of Dnipro and Kryvyi Rih.

The graduation ceremony begins with welcoming words by Andrii Fomenko, Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, police colonel.

“Dear graduates, during your years of study you have gained deep theoretical knowledge, practical skills, excellent physical special training – all you need for the successful performance of professional duties. For each of you graduation is an important stage in your biography, the beginning of your career. Today you have youth, energy, knowledge and all the opportunities to successfully serve and grow professionally in the ranks of the National Police of Ukraine”, Andrii Fomenko said.

In addition, rector emphasized that this year we have seen the first graduation of cadets from the newly created Faculty of Strategic Investigations. This specialty is unique and the faculty itself is the only one in Ukraine.

Oleksandr Lapko, deputy head of the Strategic Investigations Department of the National Police of Ukraine, greeted the graduates.

“The great professional way is ahead of you, and it promises to be difficult, but interesting. You have chosen a challenging way. It is important to practically apply your knowledge. But it is significant not to lose faith in yourself, strengthen your confidence in the made choice and respect values and principles”, Oleksandr Lapko stressed.

As part of the event, all those present observed a minute of silence for the police officers who died in the line of duty. The cadets laid flowers at the monument to the fallen police officers.

The long-awaited moment has come: those DSUIA graduates, who received diplomas of Bachelor degree with honors, were awarded the first special rank of “senior police lieutenant”. Rector Andrii Fomenko gave diplomas to cadets.

All graduates obtained diplomas on complete higher education.

The traditional ceremony of farewell with the university flag took place.

Cadets were congratulated on the graduation by their peers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine as well.

At the end of the event graduates performed solemn march with the traditional coin rain.

Graduates shared their impressions.

“Today everyone feels both joy and sadness at the same time, because we understand that 4 years of study will never return. But a new stage is beginning for us, a long way, where we will definitely benefit from all the knowledge and skills we have acquired at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs”, Violetta Rets, graduate of the Faculty of Pre-Trial Investigation, claimed.


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