Heroes Alley Hosts the Exhibition Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of Germany Unity


Andrii Fomenko, Rector of Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, joined the outdoor exhibition “Eastern Focal Point. Life Changes”.

The exhibition was opened by Tanja Beyer, newly appointed Consul General of Germany in Donetsk (currently based in Dnipro), Borys Filatov, Dnipro City head, and Ihor Kocherhin, head of South-East Department of the Ukrainian National Memory Institute.

It shall be mentioned that the project is supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Donetsk (currently based in Dnipro), Ukrainian National Memory Institute and Dnipro City Council.

Speaking with Tanja Beyer, newly appointed Consul General of Germany in Donetsk (currently based in Dnipro), Andrii Fomenko, DSUIA Rector, stated that opening of the exhibition was a substantial event for Dnipro, especially for youth, including cadets and students of the University of Internal Affairs.

“A significant point for our further cooperation is your being a specialist in jurisprudence and having many years experience in this sphere, therefore, we see perspectives for fruitful mutual work of the Consulate and the University. We invite you to visit DSUIA to negotiate the most actual aspects of our collaboration”, Andrii Fomenko emphasized.

“Eastern Focal Point. Life Changes” exposition is devoted to the period after Germany has united. Not only historical events are its core. It also embraces such topics as freedom, solidarity, own history, consequences of conflicts and reconciliation processes.

You can visit the exhibition within one month in Heroes Alley (near the fountain, Andrii Fabr str. and Oleksandr Pol ave. crossing).


Public Relations Department