Pilot project in implementing interregional academic mobility program among lecturers has officially completed. 5 lecturers from Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs have undergone internship at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs within one week. More details about the academic mobility week are below.
Hennadii Hlobenko, professor of the Criminal Process and Pre-Trial Investigation Department of the Faculty No. 1, police colonel; Andrii Vasyliev, professor of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department of the Faculty No. 1; Tetiana Bezsonna, senior lecturer of the Criminalistics, Forensic Expertology and Pre-Medical Aid Department of the Faculty No. 1, police major; Mykola Komziuk, senior lecturer of the Tactical and Special Physical Training Department of the Faculty No. 3, police senior lieutenant; Volodymyr Ivantsov, associate professor of the Police Activity and Public Administration Department of the Faculty No. 3, police major, worked at the university in terms of the project.
In the frames of the academic mobility project, KhNUIA representatives were delivering binary classes in “Criminal Law”, “Pre-Trial Investigation”, “Tactical and Special Training”, “Pre-Medical Aid”, “Criminalistics Means and Methods of Investigating Criminal Violations” as well as “Criminalistics” disciplines for cadets along with DSUIA lecturers.
Simultaneously, lecturers from Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs were working at KhNUIA within one week under the exchange program. Valentyn Liudvik, associate professor of the Criminal Law and Criminology Department, police lieutenant colonel; Alina Harkusha, associate professor of the Criminal Process Department, police major; Ihor Pyrih, professor of the Criminalistics and Pre-Medical Aid Department; Valerii Bilichenko, senior lecturer of the Tactical and Special Training Department, police lieutenant colonel; Vasyl Polyvaniuk, associate professor of the Tactical and Special Training Department, police colonel, participated in the project.
Internship of KhNUIA representatives started with an excursion over university location performed by DSUIA staff for our guests.
In addition, in course of the academic mobility week, KhNUIA specialists joined the training “Police Officers’ Actions at Providing Pre-Medical Assistance”. The teachers learnt theoretic aspects and practiced skills of stopping critical bleeding on simulation mannequins led by experienced instructors. Under the results of training, they were handed over corresponding certificates.
Oleksandr Yunin, temporary acting DSUIA rector, police lieutenant colonel, communicated with KhNUIA lecturers and summed up the results of the project.
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