Teachers of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department were the organizers, while 1st year cadets were the participants. Poetry declaimer competition opened the holiday. 16 participants read poetry of outstanding Ukrainian writers and their own ones.
The jury – Alla Kolesnyk, head of the Ukrainian and Foreign Languages Department; Anatolii Popovskyi and Iryna Tsariova, professors of the Department – assessed possession of the basics of literary reading, the ability to reveal the main idea and features of the work images, to keep the audience’s attention as well as stage culture of declaimers.
Anatolii Popovskyi, one of the juries, evaluated the participants as follows: “Everybody showed literacy, artistry, erudition, mastery of the basics of literary reading and individual approach to declamation”.
Daria Usova, the 1st year cadet of the ESI of Law and Training Specialists for the National Police Units, has become the winner of the declaimer competition by decision of the majority.
Afterwards, the International Mother Language Day continued with watching book trailers – short videos visualizing books. Cadets presented the works of Ukrainian modern writers expressing personal impressions from the read books. Each participant used one or another marketing tool applying visual means and keeping the content implicit.
Oleksandra Kovalenko, the 1st year cadet, had been studying book trailers creation peculiarities far before the competition. She told that the main target of such art was not to communicate main plot, but cause admiration, interest and strong emotions.
Hanna Supriaha, the 1st year cadet of the Preventive Activity Faculty, has become the winner in the book trailer competition by decision of the jury.
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