Erasmus+ Youth Exchange project “Youth Decide Free Motion”

News and announcements (International Activity)

26 September – 5 October 2022 in Baku, Azerbaijan 

Topic: Immigration and Refugees

The project gives the participants the opportunity to dive into the topic of migration. We will collect ideas, expertise, and knowledge about different methods and tools that can be used for migration-related youth to work in different contexts. We want to increase the understanding of the challenges and opportunities that migration brings to the youth work sector and international cooperation and to provide recommendations for good practices when working with young refugees and migrants.

Participant’s age: 18-30

Costs: Hotel, 3 times meals per day, coffee breaks and non-formal education and certificate are covered by the project with the support of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Program and the Agency for State Support to NGOs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Travel costs up to your country limit will be reimbursed after the project.

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