Police work in conditions of martial law: electives for DSUIA cadets


Cadets of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA) systematically improve their professional skills. They pay special attention to the specifics of documenting war crimes, preventing and qualifying criminal offenses related to armed aggression by the Russian Federation.

In particular, students practiced crime scene examination and corpse inspection using forensic tactics in conditions of martial law. This allows them to identify, record, and investigate traces containing information about the event, its participants, or circumstances.

During the electives, cadets worked on investigating war crimes, familiarized themselves with procedures and aspects used in the context of armed conflict.

Future police officers acquired knowledge about typical scenarios and methods used by criminal elements under the guidance of the Russian Federation. They examined examples of terrorist acts, military crimes, disinformation campaigns, and other manifestations of armed aggression. Together with instructors, they analyzed the legal aspects of such actions, studied international norms, and domestic legislation regulating this issue.

An important element of the classes was the study and discussion of examples of successful prevention and response to criminal acts related to armed aggression by the Russian Federation. This will enable cadets to develop analytical skills and strategic thinking in the field of security.

In addition to theoretical material, elective classes included practical exercises, simulations, and role-playing games to help participants consolidate knowledge and skills in real-life scenarios.

Public Relations Department DSUIA