Psychologist of DSUIA took part in a training on children’s needs assessment technologies


Alina Horodnychenko participated in a three-day training on “Technologies for identifying children’s needs and the importance of meeting them to prevent risks of developing complex life circumstances in the family,” held in Kyiv.

The event was attended by psychologists from Donetsk, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Zaporizhzhia regions. The training aimed to develop skills in identifying the needs of higher education seekers and implementing basic techniques and methods for meeting those needs, preventing negative situations in the educational and family environment.

The training focused on understanding and meeting basic emotional needs, which is particularly important during times of social and emotional instability, including wartime.

During the training, participants discussed the main emotional needs of individuals, such as acceptance, belonging, trust, and learned to explore the needs of others while understanding the importance of personal boundaries and safety for developing stable and healthy relationships.

As a result of the training, participants gained knowledge about the importance of meeting emotional needs and acquired practical techniques that can be applied to improve their emotional state and self-help.

The experience of practitioners will be further implemented in the activities of the psychological support department of DSUIA and applied in practice.

PR Department of DSUIA