Educational and Professional Program “Psychology” for the first (Bachelor’s) level of higher education, specialty 053 “Psychology”.


The educational components that reveal the uniqueness of the educational program are: “Military Psychology”, “Social and Psychological Support of Psychologist Activity in Law Enforcement Agencies”, “Psychology of Stress”, “Basics of Psychorehabilitation”, “Psychological Assistance in Emergency Situations”, “Social Work Psychology”.

The aim of the educational and professional program is to prepare highly qualified, competitive specialists who possess conceptual scientific and practical knowledge, capable of critically analyzing theories, principles, methods, and concepts in the field of professional psychologist activity, necessary for solving complex specialized tasks and practical problems in both the general professional activity of a psychologist and the specific psychological support of the security, defense, and crisis situations sector. The program provides for the study of the specifics of theoretical psychology and practical psychologist activity in the field of jurisprudence and law enforcement agencies; mastering modern technologies and procedures for conducting psychological research, personality psychodiagnostic examination, as well as actualizing the system of professional self-education and personal growth of the learner’s personality. Competencies acquired in this way can be applied in various spheres and areas of socio-professional practice, enhancing the competitiveness of the specialist in the national labor market. The program envisages practical training in the National Police Administration, military units, psychological assistance centers, medical institutions, psychological rehabilitation centers, and educational institutions.

Graduates of specialty 053 “Psychology” at the first (bachelor’s) level can work in the following institutions:

⦁ Social services;

⦁ Psychological assistance centers;

⦁ Military units;

⦁ Medical institutions;

⦁ Psychological rehabilitation centers;

⦁ Educational institutions.

Positions that our graduates can take: correctional psychologist; counseling psychologist; rehabilitation psychologist; specialist in a helpline service providing psychological support; military psychologist.

PR Department of DSUIA