“Health Route” by Zaporizhzhia Police


Employees and students of the Zaporizhzhia Primary Professional Training Center “Police Academy” conducted career guidance and preventive measures for students of Secondary School No. 23 in Zaporizhzhia.

The police officers informed the students about the dangers of harmful habits such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use. The event was organized in the form of a quest. Students went through a route with 4 stations: “Risky Behavior”, “Questions and Answers”, “Video Viewing”, and “Responsibility”. At this station, representatives of the “Police Academy” interacted with the students.

Police officers informed the students about legal responsibility for violations of legislation regarding smoking tobacco products and drinking alcoholic beverages in prohibited areas, as well as the types of responsibility associated with illegal trafficking of narcotics and psychotropic substances.

Career guidance work was also conducted, during which the children were presented with the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, its institutes, faculties, and educational and qualification directions.

PR Department of DSUIA