“Safe Space”: Preventive Work by Psychologists at the DSUIA


Experts from the Psychological Support Department of the Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs conducted a training session for cadets from the category of internally displaced persons on the topic of “Safe Space”.

Such activities are aimed at supporting the psychological well-being of employees, students, and cadets of the higher education institution. Specialists pay particular attention to internally displaced persons and those affected by armed aggression by the Russian Federation. The sessions take place in the psycho-training center.

The training includes exercises that help process traumatic experiences, stabilize psychological state, and provide relaxation skills, psychological assistance, and self-help techniques.

During the training sessions, methods such as sand therapy, art therapy, relaxation, and mindfulness are applied. According to the experts, the individual approach and the opportunity for each participant to express their own opinion help to process traumatic experiences and receive emotional safety and support.

PR Department of DSUIA