«United Country»: A Local History Project for MIA Lyceum Students

MIA Lyceum

The initiative was launched by the Dnipro Lyceum for Security and National Patriotic Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The project aims to introduce lyceum students to the history, traditions, and culture of the cities where they study. The first presentation lesson titled «Dnipro – the Eastern Outpost of Independence» was conducted by the history teacher of the Dnipro Lyceum of the MIA, Yulia LAVRENYUK.

The event was attended by the Rector of DSUIA, Police Colonel Oleksandr MORHUNOV, and the Director of the Dnipro Lyceum, Kyrylo NEDRYA.

Oleksandr MORHUNOV emphasized the importance of this initiative for studying the history of Ukraine and fostering unity among the student youth, bringing them together around the idea of patriotism.

The online lecture was also attended by lyceum students from Kyiv, Vinnytsia, and Ivano-Frankivsk—cities that represent the wide geography and rich diversity of Ukraine.

The students learned about the key milestones in the history of Dnipro and the Dnieper region, as well as the historical significance of the buildings housing the lyceum and university. Special attention was paid to the role of the city and region in the formation of Ukraine’s independence—both in the past and in the ongoing confrontation with the enemy.


Department of Communications