Judges of Dnipro District Courts Join Criminal Procedure Classes for DSUIA Cadets


The Department of Criminal Procedure at Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs continues its practice of conducting binary classes on “Criminal Procedure” for future investigators.

During the first seminar session, cadets explored the concept, essence, and objectives of criminal procedure together with Judge of the Industrial District Court of Dnipro, Liudmyla SLIUSAR, and Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure, Police Major Viktoriia ROGALSKA.

Judge Sliusar emphasized the importance of strict adherence to criminal procedural law, as well as the consideration of European Court of Human Rights case law when conducting procedural actions and making procedural decisions.

Additionally, Liudmyla Sliusar shared insights from her judicial practice and answered the cadets’ questions, offering them a deeper understanding of the practical aspects of criminal proceedings.


Department of Communications