The Rectorate

The Rectorate of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs is a permanent working body that carries out the collegial management of the educational institution with the aim to organize its activities, ensure the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts, decisions of the University’s Scientific Council and cope with current issues of the university’s activities.

The Rectorate is headed by the Rector of the university. The Heads of Institutes, faculties, departments, the Scientific Secretary, the Head of the Educational and Methodical Department, as well as the heads of individual structural subdivisions are constantly involved in the work of the Rectorate.

The Rectorate carries out its activities on the principles of unity command and collegiality.

Oleksand Morhunov

The Rector
Oleksandr MORHUNOV
Doctor of Juridical Sciences,
Honored Trainer of Ukraine,
Police Colonel


Admission phone number: (056) 756-45-45
Reception days: Thursdays
Reception hours for employees: from 14:00
Reception hours for citizens: from 15:00 till 17:00
Place: anteroom, office
Google Scholar, ORCID,, SCOPUS, Web of Science

Ihor Mahdalina

First Vice-Rector
Ihor Mahdalina
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor


Reception days: Tuesdays
Reception hours for employees: from 14:00
Reception hours for citizens: from 15:00 till 17:00
Place: anteroom, office
Google Scholar, ORCID

Юнін Олександр Сергійович

Oleksandr Yunin
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor,
Police Colonel


Reception days: Mondays
Reception hours for employees: from 14:00
Reception hours for citizens: from 15:00 till 17:00
Place: anteroom, office

Ihor Kovalov

Doctor of Law,
Lieutenant colonel


Reception days: Fridays
Reception hours for employees: from 14:00
Reception hours for citizens: from 15:00 till 17:00
Place: anteroom, office

Мельник Сергій Валерійович



Reception days: Wednesdays
Reception hours for employees: from 14:00
Reception hours for citizens: from 15:00 till 17:00
Place: anteroom, office
