“Current Issues in State Formation, Law-Making, and Law Enforcement”: Scientific-Practical Conference at DSUIA


On December 5, 2024, at 10:00 AM, the Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs (DSUIA) will host an All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference in a hybrid format—both in-person and online.

The event is organized by the Department of Theory of State and Law at the DSUIA Institute of Law and Innovative Education.


Main Conference Themes:

• Theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines; philosophy of law;

• Constitutional law; municipal law;

• Civil law and civil procedure; family law; private international law, and more.

Researchers, practitioners, government and local authority representatives, members of non-governmental organizations, and students are invited to participate.


Zoom Connection Link:

All-Ukrainian Scientific-Practical Conference “Current Issues in State Formation, Law-Making, and Law Enforcement”


Contact Persons:

Olha Kulinich, Head of the Department of Theory of State and Law (Tel.: +38 067 942 6015)

Olha Chepik-Trehubenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law (Tel.: +38 096 672 6013)

Further details are available in the information letter.


Department of Communications