Terms of admission and training of foreign citizens

Анонси університету

Bachelor’s level on the basis of the full secondary education.

Terms of admission and training of foreign citizens.pdf

українська версія

Speciality Admission exams Duration of study Tuition payment (equivalent units per year)*
International Relations, Social Communications and Regional Studies 1. Ukrainian language

2. Foreign language

3. Mathematics

4 years 1200
Management (specialization: «Financial and Economic Security and Risk Management») 1. Ukrainian language

2. Foreign language

3. Mathematics

4 years 1210
Economics (specialization: «Economic Security») 1. Ukrainian language

2. Foreign language

3. Mathematics

4 years 1245
* One equivalent unit corresponds to one US dollar. Payment is conducted in Ukraine’s hryvna in accordance with the exchange rate of National Bank of Ukraine valid for the date of payment.

Contact information: 26 Gagarin Av., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49000. Department of Foreign Citizens’ Training. Head of Department: Denis Proshin, phone: +38 (067) 561-38-19, e-mail: denis.v.proshin@gmail.com

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