Корисні ресурси для співробітників, студентів, молоді, експертів та інших: оновлення можливостей грантів та стану освіти під час війни

Новини та оголошення (міжнародна діяльність)

  • EU’s programme: education, training, youth and sport – opportunities for Ukraine during war – at the link
  • Guidelines for EU Member-States to apply sanctions: eur-lex.europa.eu
  • Address of Maria Gabriel, the Commissioner, to the students (ESN) – www.esn.org
  • Flexibility and more mobilities for higher education students and staff and youth from Ukraine: ec.europa.eu
  • Webinar on ICM during war for HEIs – erasmusplus.org.ua
  • Erasmus Dashboard access for EU HEIs to provide database of the opportunities to support for Ukrainians and for Ukrainians to find the information about the support to students, staff and youth: ukraine.dev.uni-foundation.eu
  • New EU Portal for researches: erasmusplus.org.ua
  • European Research Area for Ukraine’ (ERA4Ukraine)
  • Horizon Europe: MSC Actions for Researchers at risks: marie-sklodowska-curie-actions.ec.europa.eu
  • Opportunities for Ukrainian Think Tanks, Research Institutions, Researchers, Students, and Experts: ukraine-office.eu
  • Science for Ukraine: www.scienceforukraine.eu
  • Telegram: NRFUkraine
  • Ukraine reload – initiative of Ukrainian scientists: www.uascience-reload.org 
  • European fund for displaced scientists: allea.org
  • Academics to Academics Initiative: ilid.org.ua
  • Activities to respond current needs in line with the cooperation projects objectives: erasmusplus.org.ua
  • Proposal for new support to Ukraine of the EU: erasmusplus.org.ua
  • Open resources for school and VET – at the link and School Education Gateway – Homepage
  • Open resources for adult education – at the link
  • Overview of the current state of education and science – regular updates
  • Mapping of the destroyed/damaged educational institutions – saveschools.in.ua
  • Initiative of MESU:uglobal.university
  • Recognition (useful resources: education system in Ukraine and recognition mechanisms) – cimea.it
  • Higher Education System of Ukraine – short video in English language youtu.be
  • Vocational Education and Training System of Ukraine (VET) short video in English language: youtu.be
  • National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – en.naqa.gov.ua
  • For International Students – studyinukraine.gov.ua
  • Erasmus Students Network initiatives: erasmusplus.org.ua
  • Study for Ukraine initiative (useful resources for students by countries): esnukraine.org
  • Video about life of the Ukrainian students during war from ESN – www.youtube.com
  • Crossing border by male students and staff during Martial Law is regulatedby the Decree of the President of Ukraine of 24.02.2022 № 64/2022 «On the imposition of martial law in Ukraine» prohibits male Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 60 from travelling abroad.
  • The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Regulation № 264 dated as of 12/03/2022 (zakon.rada.gov.ua) regulated exceptions which include among other things: “… applicants for higher education, trainee assistants, graduate students and doctoral students studying abroad in full-time or dual forms of education (students, leaners); people with disabilities and accompanying persons…”